Welcome to Hope Springs Doodles

Email us: HopeSpringsDoodles@gmail.com or

Call us @ 251-610-8046

Puppy Care

Be sure to visit the  bottom of this page

for links to all of the things your new puppy needs

Little boy holding his golden doodle puppy

Puppy Care

Preparing for your new puppy

Getting ready for a new puppy is an exciting time. to help make this all a little less stressful, we have put together a list of tried and true favorites of ours that will be good to have when your new puppy comes home.

Click here to go to the list of items for your new puppy.

Puppy Food

There are many excellent foods on the market. At Hope Springs, we feed Pro Plan Chicken and Rice puppy food from the time that the pups are weaned from Mom to the time that they go home to their new homes. Your puppy will come home with a sample of this food in their puppy kit. We recommend that you continue feeding your puppy this food for at least 2 weeks after they arrive home. After that time, you can discuss with your Vet what food would be best for your new puppy. When looking for a quality food, remember that the first ingredient should be a meat or protein, not a protein meal product. Generally, the fewer ingredients in the food, the better. Our pups are transitioned to Pro Plan Chicken and rice puppy food because the puppies love the taste and this is a good food that is easily found for their little growing bodies.

Training Classes

Hope Springs recommends that you send your puppy to our "Spring Training" program for at least 2 weeks to our 2nd Base Program for an excellent foundation for your new puppy. The benefit of getting Spring Training for your pup is that the pup can start training at an earlier age than most training programs. Most trainers require that a pup be at least 16 weeks and have had the 16 week vaccinations and Rabies vaccination before they can socialize with other pups in the training class. Hope Springs puppies are only exposed to puppies that were raised at Hope Springs and therefore are not exposed to any other dogs from other facilities which eliminates the possibility of the puppy picking up an illness.
If you plan to train your puppy at home, you should start early looking for obedience classes in your area. Positive reinforcement training methods are recommended for all Hope Springs Puppies. Training is a very important part of puppy ownership and making your puppy an integral part of their new family. A very high percentage of dogs that end up in a shelter did not receive proper obedience training in the early stages of his or her life.

Hope Springs pups are started on Nu-Vet Plus vitamins at 6 weeks of age.Here are some of the benefits of Nu-Vet Plus vitamins

Nu-Vet Vitamins

or order by phone at 1-800-474-7044

Code is 60617

  • Independently tested and recommended by leading veterinarians
  • Natural ingredients / Human Grade
  • Formulated over a period of 8 years by physicians, veterinarians, pharmacists, and animal nutritionists

Significantly reduces the risk or eliminate many problems that strike your pet:

  • Scratching
  • Itching
  • Hot Spots
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Premature Aging
  • Low Energy Levels
  • Cataracts
  • Digestive Problems
  • Heart Disease
  • Tumors

  We highly recommend this vitamin for your new puppy. Your puppy kit will come with a 3-day supply. You will need to click on the NuVet Vitamin link below to order online before your puppy comes home.  It takes about a week for your first order to arrive. Call 1-800-474-7044 and put in order code 60617.
Nu-Vet Vitamins - Click Here to Order

Puppy Proofing

Puppy proofing is similar to child proofing your home for your little ones at home. When puppy proofing your home, you will want to get down at puppy level and remove things that are harmful to the puppy as well as things that the puppy can damage if they are left in an easily accessible spot for the puppy to get to them.  Items below 4 feet are your primary focus. Remember that small things as well as large things that can come apart are hazards to a small puppy. Certain chew toys that appear to be good choices can be deceiving. Rawhide chews and Bully sticks can be harmful if small pieces come apart from the large piece and become lodged in the throat of the puppy. They can choke very quickly on a small piece of rawhide or even a hoof piece. Also, remember that there are many things that can be toxic to your dog or puppy.
 Here is a starter list of things that can be toxic if ingested:

  • Grapes, Raisins
  • Candy, gum containing xylitol
  • Mushrooms
  • Castor Bean
  • Cocoa powder, cooking chocolate, semi sweet chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate in order of most toxic
  • Avocado (Fruit, pit and plant)
  • Cooked Bones (become brittle and may splinter)
  • Onions and garlic
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Pear pits, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pits (contain cyanogenic glycosides in cyanide poisoning)
  • Potato peelings and green looking potatoes
  • Rhubarb leaves
  • Spoiled / Moldy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Yeast dough
  • Coffee grounds, beans and tea (caffeine)
  • Hops (used in home brewing)
  • Tomato leaves and stems (green parts)
  • Broccoli
  • Raw salmon
  • Apple (stem and leaves)
  • Yew (American, English, Western)
  • Wild Cherry
  • Japanese Plum
  • Ficus(Cuban Laurel)
  • Cherry
  • Balsam Pear
  • Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle-Leaf)
  • Oak
  • Philodendron (Devil's Ivy)
  • English Ivy
  • Jasmine
  • Matrimony Vine
  • Virginia Creeper
  • Asparagus Fern
  • Caladium
  • Colocasia (Elephant's Ear)
  • Deiffenbachia (Dumb Cane)
  • Philodendron (Saddle Leaf, Split Leaf)
  • Poinsettia
  • Mum (Pot and Spider)
  • Umbrella Plant
  • Aloe Vera
  • Mistletoe
  • Sago Palm (Center Seed)
  • Salt (excessive amounts)

Vaccinations and De-wormings

All Hope Springs pups will have all age appropriate vaccinations and de-wormings before going home to their new families however, deworming cycles and shot requirements for pups are not complete until well after most pups go home. Therefore, you will need to make sure that your Vet finishes all necessary shots and de-wormings once your pup gets home. Also, since there are still shots that need to be given, your puppy does not have full immunity to illnesses such as Parvo and other life threatening illnesses until the full series of shots has been administered. For this reason, as a new puppy owner, you need to take the necessary precautions to keep your puppy from being exposed to any other dogs or pups that may have not had their vaccines. This means, no trips to the dog park or a Pet-friendly superstore until your pup has had all of his or her vaccines.Canine Parvo Virus is a very serious and Deadly issue for young pups. 


Doodles can keep a longer coat or can be trimmed 3-4 times a year if you prefer a shorter, easier to maintain coat. 

  • Brushing is recommended 2-3 times a week regardless of the length of the coat.
  • If your puppy or dog gets mats, a mat splitter is a great tool to handle these. Leave in conditioners may help as well.
  • A sanitary trim is recommended around the potty areas.
  • Bathe with a good quality shampoo weekly and for a soft flowy coat, spray with a leave in conditioner prior to drying the pup. ( I can recommend a particular one that is used for a different type of animal that works great) Email me for details...
  • After the bath, either allow to air dry, or use a dryer to fluff the coat dry.
  • Feel Free to print the picture below to take to your Groomer or as reference to do it yourself at home.

Hope Springs Doodles Grooming Guide

Ear Care

Ears should be cleaned at bath time weekly. Doodle breeds have longer ears which can cause ears to get damp or yeasty. Keep the hair pulled from the inside of the ears for optimum ear health. Make sure that ears are clean and completely dry after each bath.


Nails should be trimmed during each grooming session. Trim just the tips off at the ends. If you are diligent about this and do it regularly, there will just be enough nail at the very end and the dog can keep a short nail without bleeding when it is trimmed. Hope Springs pups will not have any Dew Claws as they will have been removed. 

Please feel free to email me at HopeSpringsDoodles@gmail.com with any questions that you might have about Puppy Care.

These are a few of our Favorite Things

These are items that we have tried or use regularly and recommend as well as items that will be good to have on hand when your new puppy arrives.

Please also go to the link below to order your Nu-Vet plus vitamins so that you will have those when your puppy comes home to you as we start them on them at 6 weeks of age. These are also required as part of your health guarantee.


Pro Plan Chicken and Rice Puppy food

This is the food that we recommend for our pups as it is what they have been fed from the time that they were weaned from their Mom and go home to their new family. Recently, we have had trouble finding this food in our local stores, so it might be easier to order it here.

Redbarn Chicken Rolled Dog Food

This is the product that we recommend to use as training treats. The rolled dog food is not as rich as what might normally be used as training treats and since it is not likely to upset the puppy's tummy, they can be given as a meal while you are training your puppy. Dice a slice and put the rest in the refrigerator. Trainer approved!

These are great to have on hand for puppy

travel or for instant water and food

access away from home.

These are great every day bowls for your new Doodle puppy!

This storage container will keep your new pups' kibble nice and dry.



This is a great shampoo if your dog or puppy is dirty. This is a very good "cleaning" shampoo.

This is a 2 in 1 Shampoo and conditioner. It works great for in-between baths when your pup or dog is not super dirty,

Smells great!

This shampoo is very good if your pup has some itching or irritated skin. This mild Oatmeal based shampoo will be easy on the skin and help soothe and stop the itching.

This shampoo works great to keep your puppy white and clean. Use only on white coats.

This is a great smelling Shampoo. It works great and is one of my favorite fragrances by Nootie.

This is my absolute favorite scent  produced by Nootie. Many of you will remember this scent as is was on your new puppy when he or she came home.

Leave-in Conditioner

Shhhh. This is a little known secret. Although this product is made for horses, this product when left on the coat, at the end of the bath, leaves their coat soft and shiny. This stuff is magic.

Brushes and Trimmers

This is an awesome brush, It is one of the best tools to keep your puppy brushed out and Mat and Tangle Free.

This is a very good brush. It is shaped similar to the one on the left, but less expensive. It will do a great job brushing out your puppy.

This brush is great as well. It gets the job done. It is somewhat flexible and may be more comfortable for every day use.

This are just every day nail trimmers.

Great for those that know

how to trim their pups nails.

These are great grinder type trimmers

for those less experienced with trimming puppy and dog nails.

Our Favorite Sprays and Spritzes

This is a great product for in-between

baths to keep your puppy or dog smelling

great. This is our personal favorite.

This is a great product for in-between

baths to keep your puppy or dog smelling

great. This Sweet Pea and Vanilla is awesome!


These washable crate pads are awesome. Lucky Mats were designed and made by a trainer with 10+ years experience training doodles. Visit the link below to purchase these to have on hand for your puppy when he or she comes home to you..

You will be glad you did. This is a must-have for puppies and adults.

Midwest makes the best crates. They are durable and well built. If you are looking for a crate for your puppy,

(highly recommended) you may want to look into getting one of these.

If you are going to be doing any kind of puppy training at all, you are going to want to have these on hand.

When teaching your new puppy to walk on a leash, we recommend using a harness as it pulls from the shoulder area instead of the neck. A small harness will be in the puppy kit, but one for later when the pup is older and bigger is a good thing to have.

This bell is a must have for house training your puppy. You can teach your puppy to ring the bell to let you know that they need to go outside. Our trainer uses this exact bell. It Works!!

This is the product that we recommend to use as training treats. The rolled dog food is not as rich as what might normally be used as training treats and since it is not likely to upset the puppy's tummy,they can be given as a meal while you are training your puppy. Slice then Dice and put the rest in the refrigerator. Trainer approved!

This gate will work well to separate the areas that the puppy or dog is allowed to be in from the ones that he or she is not to go into. This is a great safety item to have for your puppy.


Once you have your new puppy completely crate trained, this cushion would be very comfy for him or her.

When your puppy is grown up and house trained, this will be a great bed for them to hang out on when they are spending time with the family.

Some dogs absolutely love blankets.

Shouldn't your doodle have a soft, fluffy

blanket of their own?

This Snuggle puppy is a great thing to have on hand when your new puppy arrives home. It helps your puppy adjust to being without their litter mates. Saves lots of sleepless nights for the new owner.

Miscellaneous Items to have on Hand

Nutrical is a high calorie paste that can boost the sugar level in a smaller pup if they need it quickly.

Getting your dog or puppy to allow you to brush his or her teeth is very important for good dental health throughout their life.

This product works great if your pup comes in contact with fleas. One of these pills will kill the fleas on the dog and keep them off for 24 hours.

Miscellaneous Favs

These colorful tags are a great way for someone to track you down to get your dog or puppy to you should they go missing. Please don't allow your dog or puppy to wear collars or tags while crated.

I have never met a doodle that does not love these Lambchop toys. Get one for your new puppy, they will love it.

This is a great safety item to have on hand when your pup rides in the car. This buckles into your seat belt and the other end attaches to your dogs harness. This is a must have if your dog is going to ride with you in the car.

Nylabones are a nylon chew toy that is very durable and most dogs will enjoy hours of chewing with these.

If you walk or run with your dog, this is a great thing to have so that you can pamper their paws every now and then.

Doodles love Sherpa toys. This ball will be one of their favorites, no doubt.

Doodles love Sherpa toys. This bone will

be one of their favorites, no doubt.

The cow hoof is a great thing for hours of chewing pleasure. Dogs love them. As with any chew toy, for safety, please monitor your pup while they are chewing on them. 

Don't Forget the Vitamins

Click on the bottle to order

Thank you for visiting our online store. Items recommended here

are items that we have used and continue to use as we raise our pups.

As an Amazon affiliate, I receive a small percentage from the sales on this page.