Why A Hope Springs Goldendoodle?
Hope Springs Teddy Bear Goldendoodles are a Specialty Blend of an English Golden Retreiver or English Teddy Bear Goldendoodle with a Poodle with a particular look to produce a puppy with an exemplary temperament as well as a blocky, plush Teddybear appearance. They Truly look like Animated Teddy Bears, but along with a gorgeous blocky face, we also breed for health and temperament. ALL puppies are cute, but temperament is paramount. Hope Springs Doodle pups possess amazing temperaments and Beautiful faces. The full package!!
At Hope Springs Doodles, we try very hard from the time that the pups are born to get them accustomed to living in a home. Our pups are not raised in a "facility", they are are raised in our home and are part of the every day comings and goings of living in a home. As the pups get old enough to leave Mom, we start getting the pups ready to learn to be a part of a family, outside of ours. We start training the pups to go potty over Alfalfa pellets so that when they go to their new homes, they are accustomed to the smell of grass and know that this is their signal to go potty. Since that smell is not in the home, these pups adapt quickly to learning to potty training.
Hope Springs Doodles also offers continued training for their pups with our Spring Training Program. Pups enrolled in Spring Training will continue their Crate, Home, Leash and Potty Training. Pups are trained by our trainer that only trains Hope Springs Doodles. Faith has been training Doodles for over 10 years and she can fine tune the skills your pups needs to integrate into their new home. We train your pup to your specifications. You will have contact with Faith throughout the training process to insure that your pups' training is geared towards your family and their particular needs and wants.